Purpose of Establishment and History
Organisation and Objectives
Founded in 1983 by a small group of leading pioneers, Korean Society of Atmospheric Environment (KOSAE) has grown through the decades to include more than 4,000 members. KOSAE has been the nation's leading educational and research organization to promote the scientific and technological development related with atmospheric environment and air pollution through the information sharing and professional collaboration across the public, academic, industry and policy makers. From college students and early-career engineers to project managers, corporate executives, researchers and academic leaders, KOSAE's members are as diverse as the community itself. KOSAE serves this wide-ranging community through quality programs in continuing education, training and professional development, research, conferences and publications, government relations and other forms of outreach.
  • Academic conferences once a year
  • Workshops on special topics for environmental industries
  • Special symposia and seminars organised by sub-committees of the KOSAE
  • Publication of journals
  • 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9th CAA Better Air Quality Conference in 2016
  • 12th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress in 2001
  • 2nd Regional IUAPPA Congress in 1991
  • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment (JKOSAE):

    * published since 1985

    * ISSN(Print) 1598-7132

    * ISSN(Online) 2383-5346

  • (2002. 12.) Listed in KCI Accredited Journal
  • (2017. 07.) Listed in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • (2018. 01.) Listed in KCI Excellent Accredited Journal
  • (2020. 09.) Listed in SCOPUS

* JKOSAE are published on the last days of February, April, June, August, October, and December every year

* Published bi-monthly in Korean

  • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE):

    * published since 2007

    * ISSN(Print) 1976-6912

    * ISSN(Online) 2287-1160

  • (2012. 11.) Listed in SCOPUS
  • (2013. 01.) Listed in KCI Accredited Journal
  • (2016. 09.) Listed in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • (2018. 09.) Converted to an Open Access journal
  • (2019. 09.) Indexed in Biological Abstracts/Biosis Previews
  • (2020. 03.) Listed in Science Central (Korea), Applied for Ei Compendex
  • (2020. 04.) Listed in DOAJ
  • (2020. 10.) Listed in GEOBASE (Instead of Ei Compendex)

* All articles published by the Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. All articles published by the Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment follows Continuous Article Publishing (CAP), so there will be no delay in publication upon acceptance. 

* Published in English jointly with CSES·CSAE (Association of Atmospheric Environment of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences) and JSAE (Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment)